Response object

Allows you to create synthetic responses that exist entirely on the varnish machine. Useful for creating error or maintenance pages that exists outside the scope of your backend architecture. Best when used with Condition objects.

Data model

cache_conditionstringName of the cache condition controlling when this configuration applies.
contentstringThe content the response will deliver.
content_typestringThe MIME type of your response content.
namestringThe name of the response object to create.
request_conditionstringCondition which, if met, will select this configuration during a request. Optional.
responsestringThe status text the response will have. Defaults to 'OK'.
statusstringThe status code the response will have. Defaults to 200.
created_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
deleted_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
service_idstringAlphanumeric string identifying the service. Read-only.
updated_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
versionstringString identifying a service version. Read-only.


List Response objects


Create a Response object


Get a Response object


Update a Response object


Delete a Response Object
