ACL Entry

An ACL entry holds an individual IP address or subnet range and is a member of an ACL. ACL entries are versionless, which means they can be created, modified, or deleted without activating a new version of your service.

Data model

commentstringA freeform descriptive note.
ipstringAn IP address.
negatedintegerWhether to negate the match. Useful primarily when creating individual exceptions to larger subnets. [Default 0]
subnetintegerNumber of bits for the subnet mask applied to the IP address. For IPv4 addresses, a value of 32 represents the smallest subnet mask (1 address), 24 represents a class C subnet mask (256 addresses), 16 represents a class B subnet mask (65k addresses), and 8 is class A subnet mask (16m addresses). If not provided, no mask is applied.
acl_idstringAlphanumeric string identifying a ACL. Read-only.
created_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
deleted_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.
idstringAlphanumeric string identifying an ACL Entry. Read-only.
service_idstringAlphanumeric string identifying the service. Read-only.
updated_atstringDate and time in ISO 8601 format. Read-only.


List ACL entries


Update multiple ACL entries


Describe an ACL entry


Delete an ACL entry


Update an ACL entry


Create an ACL entry
